Tuesday, November 3, 2009

spelling and an illustration

I could not for the life of me figure out how to spell "tetanus" earlier. I was writing on my dinner break at work, so I had no internet (I'll never remember to ask the boss for the wifi password, and anyway, the lack of distraction is a REALLY good thing), and I couldn't google it to get suggestions, and eeeeevery variation I could think of was still too far off-base for OpenOffice to figure out.

And, just now, I spelled "rambunctious" just fine and dandy on the first try. I and O and U all properly in their places.

I wiki'd around a bit about wrought iron fences, because I decided I wanted one. (...I wonder when that happened? I had something else in mind for the girl to find, and what happens? She finds a fence. I have no idea how.) I used a loooot of really elaborate ironwork in last year's NaNo, and I'd found some really stunning references. But I wanted to see if I could get an idea of a) how long ago the stuff was used, and b) how well it would hold up. Turns out ironwork goes back to a least 2000 BC. Good times. (The really elaborate decorative stuff came in starting in medieval times, hardcore around the 1500s.) How well it holds up... most of the things from 2000 BC have rusted away, but things in Europe have been in place a few centuries easily. Apparently there's a LOT of variation in iron, especially the farther back you go, since the whole process of working with it has had an awful lot of variables.

But the real result of my wiki wanderings? was this picture:

...that's pretty much the most incredible fence I have ever seen. Just the style of it, all swirls and things, not a trace of a straight line, just this vast organic motif... that is absolutely stunning. I'm in so much love. So, the fence my (still unnamed) main character has found, is pretty darn similar to this one. A bit smaller, and a bit more detailed, but, pretty much this one. <333

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